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LMK Energy reçoit REV3, fer de lance de la Région Haut de France

Le 15/06/2022, LMK Energy a accueillis un évènement Rev3, en présence de Frederic Motte, Président la mission rev3 Région Hauts-de-France, Philippe Vasseur, Président de la communauté rev3 et Christophe Deldycke, Président Nord Capital Partenaires.

L’occasion de présenter le parcours et les perspectives de LMK Energy et de la technologie de torréfaction aux acteurs économiques régionaux.

[Focus sur Rev3Capita] 🚀En novembre 2015, la Région Hauts-de-France, la CCI Hauts-de-France et ses partenaires lançaient le Fonds d’investissement Rev3Capital, soutenu par les fonds qui a pour objectif d’accompagner les entreprises régionales vers une économie bas carbone.

Plusieurs entreprises des Hauts-de-France bénéficient de ce financement et cherchent ainsi à développer une activité plus responsable et raisonnée grâce aux nouvelles formes d’énergie.

paillage durable

Find sustainable mulch in your stores

There, the sustainable mulching is now present in store! In 60l bag, mulching provides a sustainable and ecological solution to ill weed control and soil moisture management. Rotproof and aesthetically pleasing, the durable mulch is neutral for the soil and lasts up to 4 times longer than conventional wood chips. Thanks to our partner Gamm Vert for trusting us. Contact us to find out where you can find our mulching.

Torréfaction des plaquettes

Production of roasted wood is launched

Since January 15th, after 5 years of research and development, numerous tests and investments, the Torspyd Torrefaction technology owned by LMK Energy is finally operational. Several hundred tons are already produced and are ready to be marketed. Many players in the field of energy, chemistry, industry and distribution show great expectations and great interests in product and technology.

illustration de pellet

Presentation of our wood pellets

Wood pellets, a heating system increasingly present.

With state support for the installation of pellet stoves, more and more individuals have installed the heating systems in their homes, what develop the firewood market.

What is wood pellets?

Just as compressed wood logs, wood pellets (or pellets) are manufactured in our factories from wood residues: sawdust and shavings.

With a manufacturing process requiring no binder material, wood pellets are an excellent fuel.

Complying with DIN + standard (heating efficiency) and from supervised forests, manufacturing remains under control and allow optimization of our forests.

What are the advantages of pellets ?

Simply  your heating management. Generally comprising a device controlling the flow setting, individuals can easily set the desired heating temperature in their home.

With their manufacture wood pellets also have a very low humidity for combustion providing very advantageous heat performance. Thus, at the same level, wood pellets provide a better level of heat that a log of classic wood.

Easier to store, wood pellets are cleaner than wood logs as their storage in sacks.

Finally, through our processes and certifications, be assured of the quality of our pellet. Efficient, economical and ecological, do not hesitate to get started in the pellet.

Bûches de bois densifié

Informations about our densified wood logs

Give to your customers the best quality of firewood with our densified wood logs.

If the trend is a return to the firewood for a few years, the densified wood is one of the big winners. Back on this phenomenon.

What’s densified wood?

To begin, it is important to consider the production of densified wood. The densified wood logs manufactured in our plants consist only of untreated wood residues from sawmills mainly.

The benefit to have these wood chips and sawdust compressed to the max is our logs do not need any binder, preserving to maximum our ecology.

Is it really good for consumers?

Numbers show us the consumers can have satisfaction. It’s thanks to the power of our burning logs. Indeed, densified wood logs have an efficiency up to 4 times a log of classic wood.

Thus, for a log size and same weight, our compressed wood logs provide 4 times more heat than a conventional log and, in particular due thanks to the severe drought of compressed wood logs.

The advantage for consumers is to reduce inventory or increase purchasing volumes to better manage their heating system in the long term.

Besides the aspect heating power, our densified wood logs are also much cleaner. Indeed, our logs lose neither bark nor dust unlike a log of classic wood.

Finally, taking wood waste, the raw material is existing and therefore allows a more environmentally friendly manufacturing.

Moreover, besides the space gained, the densified wood is much “cleaner” than conventional logs of wood: they do not lose their bark or dust present in its composition.

Finally, being made from wood residues, these logs also have the advantage of being more environmentally friendly. Knowing also that our logs do not contain any chemicals for the production of logs, it reduces the pollution discharged and maintenance needed for your heating equipment.

Cleanliness, ecology, power, all elements to satisfy your customers.