Roasted mulching
In bulk or bag
Non-edible biomass, an energy resource with high potential

The objective of France following the COP21 is 32% renewable energies in 2030. Nice commitment but difficult to maintain knowing that the share of renewable in France is 14% in 2016. In addition of, wind , Geothermal, solar, hydraulic, biomass energy still have a long way to go to achieve the objectives. In addition, pollution control standards for coal-fired power plants and boilers will become increasingly demanding and, more generally, the dependence of European countries on coal is controversial for many years to come. It is within this framework that the approach and the solutions provided by the company LMK Energy are inscribed.
Non-edible biomass, comprising all the lignocellulosic materials, wood, straw, agricultural waste (walnut shells, olive pomace, etc.), has a very important global energy potential. Bioenergy could produce almost half of the world’s energy needs. Unfortunately, in the raw state, biomass contains a high proportion of water, which varies according to its nature. This presence of water generates numerous constraints in the biomass value chain and affects its profitability. Its use in the combustion centers of thermal power stations or industrial boilers requires expensive installations and permanent maintenance. Its transport is also problematic and requires transformation steps or a proximity between the place of origin and valorisation.
The solution brought by the LMK Energy roasting process

After 5 years of R&D and significant investments, LMK Energy has successfully developed advanced, tested and proven technology.
Roasting significantly reduces the costs of processing, transporting and exploiting biomass while increasing energy yields.
The roasting process used by LMK Energy consists in heating all the biomass by a “soft” heat treatment (distillation) in order to eliminate the water and to break the fibers. The roasting process dries the biomass, irreversibly hydrophobizes it, breaks its structure and concentrates its energy potential.

With woods respecting European standards, LMK Energy is opening up more and more to conquer the market with quality partners. And you, when will you join LMK Energy in its conquest?